Northwest Cooperative Development Center - 2024 Cooperative Academy opportunity

“Dream Stage” to “Shovel Ready” in 10 Weeks

Weekly sessions to learn about cooperative ownership, democratic management, and cooperative economics including:

  • The Co-op Identity

  • Business Mapping

  • Governing Documents

  • Finance and Equity

  • Business and Marketing Plan

  • and much more!

Class Details: Planning is underway for at least one co-op academy in the Spring/Summer of 2024. However, if there is enough interest, there may be a Fall/Winter academy as well!

Who Can Attend?

This academy is for anyone that wants to start any type of co-op (Producer, consumer, worker, housing) as well as current members, workers, and directors of existing co-ops who want to learn more and help improve their co-op. 

How much does it cost?

The cost for the sessions is covered through a grant NWCDC received through the Rural Cooperative Development Grant from the US Department of Agriculture. For assistance outside of the class session, urban co-op folks might need to establish a fee for service with us, but the classroom is free. 

What Does the Academy Include?

This 10-week program will provide participants basic knowledge and skills to create Governing Documents, a decision-making matrix, a business plan, a marketing plan, the beginnings of a policy manual, and an overall strategy for membership and capitalization campaigns. Depending on the energy of your group, you could end the 10-week session with an incorporated cooperative ready to add members and start operations.  For the majority, it will give you a strong foundation on getting to the operational phase.

When and Where Will the Academy Take Place?

We have not determined the timing of the academy. We expect that it will launch in early or late Spring. The time and place will be determined once we have an idea on who is going to attend.

Learn more and apply to the academy here: